

The East Portland Special Fishery Conservation Area (also called the East Portland Fish Sanctuary) was officially gazetted in 2016, under the Jamaican Fishing Industry Act. It is co-managed by The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries (MICAF) and the Alligator Head Foundation (AHF).  The fish sanctuary is located on the North Eastern coast in the parish of Portland, spanning 6km2  from Folly (West) to Dragon Bay (East). It comprises of critically and ecologically sensitive coastal resources, this includes stunning coral reefs, rich mangroves, seagrass beds, and deep water habitats.

The EPSFCA harbours an array of reef fish, birds, reptiles, and invertebrate species, as well as the endangered Loggerhead and Hawksbill turtles, and several thriving colonies of elkhorn and staghorn coral, which are listed as critically endangered species.

It is one the best examples of science and community-based participatory management approaches within Jamaica.


A Fish Sanctuary is a protected coastal area where no fishing is allowed – also called a “no take zone”. These “no take zones” act as nurseries for young fish, turtles and other marine life allowing them to breed, grow and repopulate the local area, increasing the fish stock and maintaining healthy reefs.

Once the fish reach maturity, they will move outside the sanctuary and spill over to other fishing grounds where fishing is allowed, improving the livelihoods of the local fishing communities.

© Brian Crawford

The rules and regulations of the EPSFCA are as follows:

No person shall:

fish-icon-new Fish anywhere within the set boundaries

fish-icon-new Introduce any species into the fish sanctuary

fish-icon-new Transport, purchase, receive, keep, rear, breed or propagate any specimens from the SFCA

Any person that fails to abide by these rules is liable to fines and/or gear confiscation.